Monday 3 December 2012

Camera operator

my crew role

What are your main responsibilities?

-          My main responsibilities are the assistant director this means I will be dealing with most of the paper work aka meeting minuets.

How will you carry out your responsibilities?

-          For my  group I need to

meeting minutes for bermondsey high

                       Meeting Minutes:

Present: Shana, Victoria, Carly and Khadijat

Apologies: None


Carly is the camera person

Shana is the assistant director

Khadijat is the director

Victoria is the assistant director


Carly is the camera person

Shana is the assistant camera person

Khadijat is the Director

Victoria is the assistant director

Friday 30 November 2012

Proposal & Recce assesment


Excellent work, you have clearly outlined the purpose of the mockumentary and used the information relevant to proposal.

Target – include detailed information about the demographic profile of the target audience (age, gender, location, likes, dislikes etc.)



Great work, you have identified appropriate locations and described the safety issues.

Target – identify precise locations to show us the detail of your planning. Which classroom door? In which building? Why?



Friday 23 November 2012



Evaluating my Presentation

Evaluating my presentation!


On Monday we worked in our gropes to present our presentation about or Mockumentary. During the presentation, the skills that I am most proud of are our team work/communication skills. I think that we used these skills well because we knew exactly when we were supposed to talk about and we didn’t talk over each other, we used these skills well because we made the presentation flow and we didn’t stop at each slide to see what we were going to say.

The other skill that I was pleased with was engaging the audience I am pleased with this because we done better than I thought we was going to do and we got some positive feedback.  

The skill that I didn’t use effectively was hand gestures and body movement for effect because I was not confident enough and I did not know what to say because I wasn’t in for the planning of the presentation. I could overcome this by writing down exactly what I needed to say

The people in my class room said that I need to develop in my public speaking skills and have a script and they also said the things that I done well was eye contact and explaining the character.


You have explained what you have done well clearly and, for some of questions, how you can improve them.

To improve, you should perhaps try and write in paragraphs. This way you can add some more detail, because you don’t have to stick exactly to the question, and your work will flow better.

Wednesday 24 October 2012


Media Proposal

Company Name:  Barbz productions.

Contact details: HAB Southwark park road, Bermondsey SE16 3TZ

Title of show: The Only Way Is Bermondsey.

Type of show: Mockumentary.

Purpose of the show: the purpose of the show is to show the audience that being a Barbie doesn’t always mean you get everything you want/ all the attention.

Synopsis: The show is about Barbies named Nikisha and Carly, being blackmailing, manipulative girls who are incredibly big-headed, and the geeks Named Kaydee and Shay who are calm and collected and they are incredibly passionate about their geeky specialisms (books and films), But two popular boys ditch the Barbies and go for the Geeks.


table for the Mockumentary meeting m

Mockumentary planning meeting

                                                     Mockumentary planning meeting

Attended by: Shana Gregory, Victoria Achola-Wacha, Khadijat Oyeleye and Carly Woollard

 Roles and responsibilities through discussion                                                                                        Potential ideas for the mockumentary using structure discussion Brief
Brief synopsis and pro
        1.       Where is it going to be set?


2.       What are you going to Mock?

We are going to Mock the Only Way Is Essex

3.       Who is going to be the focus?

In our Mockumentary we are going to focus on the Barbies and the Geeks.

4.       What characters are going to be involved?

The characters are going to be, Nikisha the school Barbie, Carly the UN smart Barbie, Kaydee the library geek and Shay the film geek.

5.       What is the massage of the show?

The message of the show is that Barbies and Geeks can be friends.

6.       How are you going to make it look like a Mockumentary?

To make into a Mockumentary we are going to exaggerate there movements and actions

7.       What is your key story line?

The Barbies are trying to get attention from a really hot guy but he ends up liking the Geeks because the Barbies are too fake.








Character profile

Monday 22 October 2012

scrips 2




INT: coming out of the class room door – morning 11:30 AM


The two best friends KAYDEE (16) the quiet book geek and JANAY (16) the shy film geek are walking down the long polished hallway of Bermondsey high on a hot and sunny day talking to the camera about the two school Barbies NIKISHA and CARLY


                     KAYDEE: (quietly)

I heard NIKISHA has a crush on the English teacher MR BIEBER

                    JANAY: (Bored tone)

(Stops walking and turns to KAYDEE)How can you not expect that she goes for anyone and everyone who can boost her popularity status


    Apart from girls


  How do you know?



 (JANAY in the interview room talking about all the stuff NIKISHA has done subtitles: JANAY full time film geek)

JANAY: talking to the camera

NIKISHA has no shame when she was in year 8 she flirted with all the boys in the class


They both walk off to the locker room 



INT: hallway- Morning

As the girls walk slowly towards their lockers, NIKISHA and CARLY march seductively past them with their high heels. JANAY turns to open her locker and at the corner of her eyes she spots NIKISHA wearing something that she gave her when they were in year8, JANAY instantly thinks that she is wearing it to get on her nerves because she knows how much she hates her

                    NIKISHA :(Sneering)

                    Ewww I smell rats

                   (BOTH START TO LAUGH)

                    CARLY: (laughing)

               Yeah rats with a hint of geek



Those two geeks are sooo not on our level yet they need to understand that they don’t belong anywhere where I am


             And me (flicks hair)

                     NIKISHA :(attitude)

                   Whatever CARLY

                CARLY: (pops her gum and rolls her eyes)  


JANAY and KAYDEE slam there locker door shut with anger and turns around to look at NIKISHA and CARLY 

     KAYDEE (annoyed)

  Haven’t you two devil Barbies got anything better to do with your life rather than slagging out the whole school and making irrelevant comments about your own body odour.

                      NIKISHA: (fake smile)

(Sarcastically) Nice come back, but Yes in fact we do… you should try hanging out with the football team rather than sitting in the library with your fat heads in those boring books all day.

After that rude and unwanted comment CARLY and NIKISHA walk away laughing.

Wednesday 17 October 2012




INT: coming out of the class room door – morning 11:30 AM


The two best friends KAYDEE (16) the quiet book geek and JANAY (16) the shy film geek are walking down the long polished hallway of Bermondsey high on a hot and sunny day gossiping about the two school Barbies NIKISHA and CARLY


                     KAYDEE: (quietly)

I heard NIKISHA has a crush on the English teacher MR BIEBER

                    JANAY: (Bored tone)

How can you not expect that she goes for anyone and everyone who can boost her popularity status


                  Apart from girls


  How do you know?





INT: hallway- Morning

As the girls walk slowly towards their lockers, NIKISHA and CARLY march seductively past them with their high heels. JANAY turns to open her locker and at the corner of her eyes she spots NIKISHA wearing something that she gave her when they were in year8, JANAY instantly thinks that she is wearing it to get on her nerves because she knows how much she hates her


                    Ewww I smell rats

                   (BOTH START TO LAUGH)

                    CARLY: (laughing)

               Yeah rats with a hint of geek

JANAY and KAYDEE slam there locker door shut with anger and turns around to look at NIKISHA and CARLY 

     KAYDEE (annoyed)

  Haven’t you two devil Barbies got anything better to do with your life rather than slagging out the whole school and making irrelevant comments about your own body odour.

                      NIKISHA: (fake smile)

(Sarcastically) Nice come back, but Yes in fact we do… you should try hanging out with the football team rather than sitting in the library with your fat heads in those boring books all day.

After that rude and unwanted comment CARLY and NIKISHA walk away laughing.





In the drama room KAYDEE, JANAY and NIKISHA are performing their drama peace called life as we know it. JANAY is shyly acting out her part of the play





                                                  Target:  add details

Friday 12 October 2012

meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes for Character Profiles:

Present: Carly, Vicky, Shana and Khadijat

Apologies: None.

Age:  Nikisha: 16, Carly: 16, Shay: 16, Kaydee: 16

Gender: Female

Character traits/ personality:

Nikisha: Mean, bossy and manipulative. She doesn’t let people stand in her way and she makes sure she gets whatever she wants. She doesn’t consider other people’s feelings; it’s all about her. Nikisha just hangs around with Carly to make herself look better because she believes that Carly isn’t a threat to her reputation. She is secretly jealous of Janay the film geek.

Carly: Bossy, spoilt and dumb. She is a follower who tries to be like Nikisha but she is not as mean as Nikisha. She’s isn’t as noticeable as Nikisha which means that people aren’t scared of her because they know that she is a girl with an obsession of popularity and Austin Mahone. Secretly, she’s very smart but she is playing dumb to please Nikisha so that she doesn’t get bullied.

Janay: A sweet, shy film geek who has a deep and irreversible passion for films. She likes filming people but not herself because she has an ambition of being a film director; she doesn’t like the spotlight. Janay is best friends with KayDee and she likes filming her when she reads or acts out storylines from her books. Secretly, she has stage fright.

KayDee: Quiet, smart and studious. She has an incredibly deep passion for books which often gets her confused with reality because she has so many quotes and storylines from books swimming around in her brain. Her best friend is Janay and they get along very well because she gives Shay ideas from books and her imagination for films. Secretly, she’s the school snitch and she knows the secrets of everyone in school but Carly blackmailed her so she reads books to keep her mind occupied.

 Funny habits:

Nikisha has a habit of applying makeup every 2 minutes and checking her reflection in a mirror; she is incredibly vain.

Carly has a habit of chewing gum and kissing posters of Austin Mahone.

KayDee has a habit of sticking pencils in her hair and talking fast.

Shay has a habit of filming people without asking for their permission.

Back Story:
Nikisha and Janay : Nikisha and Janay  used to be a part of a film club together and they used to be best friends. One day when they were acting out a scene whilst being filmed, Nikisha got jealous of

Final Treatment


Act1:      KayDee the book geek and Janay the film geek who are two best friends are walking down the hallway gossiping about the school Barbie’s Nikisha and Carly, as they walk to the lunch hall Nikisha and her follower Carly walk past them and Janay spots Nikisha wearing something that she gave her a long time ago when they used to be best friends. Janay gets angry because she hates Nikisha and told KayDee that she will never forgive Nikisha for what she done, then suddenly Janay has a flashback of what happened when she and Nikisha were in year 8, the day their friendship ended. The flashback:  Nikisha and Janay were in film club performing as they were being filmed by KayDee. The three girls were asked to create a drama scene about life for their film project, as Nikisha and Janay are performing Nikisha get really jealous because Janay is taking the spotlight. Then suddenly Janay gets pushed off stage and breaks her leg then Nikisha gets in trouble and she claimed that it was an accident but the teacher never believed her and Nikisha get’s kicked out of film club and Janay never spoke to her again.  Back in the past, KayDee seems a little bit guilty because she knows something that Janay and Nikisha don’t…

Act2:      (Lunch hall) KayDee and Nikisha walked into the lunch hall and sat at a table by the window and started to talk about their science project. As KayDee takes out her book to start reading Nikisha and Carly walks up to the table and hits the book out of KayDee’s hands and starts to make fun of KayDee and Nikisha in front of the whole school and everyone starts laughing, then Janay and KayDee runs out of the Lunch hall crying and Nikisha has a Flashback of what happened in Year8: Fashaback:  Nikisha and Janay were in film club performing as they were being filmed by KayDee. The three girls were asked to create a drama scene about life for their film project, Janay was acting out her part of the scene, then it was Nikisha’s turn, as she walked into the spotlight she accidently trips and pushes Janay off stage and Janay Breaks her leg. Nikisha tries to explain what happens but the teacher didn’t believe her and she gets kicked out of film club

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Treatment draft 1


Act1: KayDee the book geek and Janay the film geek who are two best friends are walking down the hallway gossiping about the school Barbie’s Nikisha and Carly, as they walk to the lunch hall Nikisha and her follower Carly walks past them and Janay spots Nikisha wearing something that she gave her a long time ago when they used to be friends. Janay gets angry because she hates her and told KayDee that she will never forgive her for what she done, then suddenly Janay has a flash back of what happened when they were in year 8. The flashback: Nikisha and Janay are in film club performing as they are being filmed by KayDee    

Monday 19 March 2012

8 Page flat plan

Flat plan for 8 Page Magazine
Group Name:


No Limits

Issue 14
Little info about what’s inside the mag
Page 2
Page 3
Newest games out
Consoles Prices
Page 4
Page 5
New film of the week
Film chart – What’s in and what’s out.
Stinker of the week (rotten tomatoes)
Page 6
Top gear
WWE Wrestling

Page 7
Membership forms
Info on how to get fit

Back cover P8
Advert - Holiday

Life style mag cover

Friday 3 February 2012

Rihanna (Vibe)

My Media Proposal (Cbbc)

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
Infinity Limited
Shana Gregory
Victoria Achola-wacha
Aaron Francis

Project title:
What’s new Scooby doo?

Type of Video/Radio programme (delete as applicable)
A weekly episodes
35 hour long
Each week with a new episode filled with mystery and fun

Purpose of Product:
To entertain our young audience

Each week we will have regular features including
-   Mystery’s
-   Funny animated features
-   Different story lines

Target Audience:
Our TV show is aimed at children between the ages 5 and 12.they probably don’t like doing work, like to watch cartoons, like doing puzzles and having fun, they like to learn new things every chance they get.