Friday 12 October 2012

Final Treatment


Act1:      KayDee the book geek and Janay the film geek who are two best friends are walking down the hallway gossiping about the school Barbie’s Nikisha and Carly, as they walk to the lunch hall Nikisha and her follower Carly walk past them and Janay spots Nikisha wearing something that she gave her a long time ago when they used to be best friends. Janay gets angry because she hates Nikisha and told KayDee that she will never forgive Nikisha for what she done, then suddenly Janay has a flashback of what happened when she and Nikisha were in year 8, the day their friendship ended. The flashback:  Nikisha and Janay were in film club performing as they were being filmed by KayDee. The three girls were asked to create a drama scene about life for their film project, as Nikisha and Janay are performing Nikisha get really jealous because Janay is taking the spotlight. Then suddenly Janay gets pushed off stage and breaks her leg then Nikisha gets in trouble and she claimed that it was an accident but the teacher never believed her and Nikisha get’s kicked out of film club and Janay never spoke to her again.  Back in the past, KayDee seems a little bit guilty because she knows something that Janay and Nikisha don’t…

Act2:      (Lunch hall) KayDee and Nikisha walked into the lunch hall and sat at a table by the window and started to talk about their science project. As KayDee takes out her book to start reading Nikisha and Carly walks up to the table and hits the book out of KayDee’s hands and starts to make fun of KayDee and Nikisha in front of the whole school and everyone starts laughing, then Janay and KayDee runs out of the Lunch hall crying and Nikisha has a Flashback of what happened in Year8: Fashaback:  Nikisha and Janay were in film club performing as they were being filmed by KayDee. The three girls were asked to create a drama scene about life for their film project, Janay was acting out her part of the scene, then it was Nikisha’s turn, as she walked into the spotlight she accidently trips and pushes Janay off stage and Janay Breaks her leg. Nikisha tries to explain what happens but the teacher didn’t believe her and she gets kicked out of film club

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