Friday 12 October 2012

meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes for Character Profiles:

Present: Carly, Vicky, Shana and Khadijat

Apologies: None.

Age:  Nikisha: 16, Carly: 16, Shay: 16, Kaydee: 16

Gender: Female

Character traits/ personality:

Nikisha: Mean, bossy and manipulative. She doesn’t let people stand in her way and she makes sure she gets whatever she wants. She doesn’t consider other people’s feelings; it’s all about her. Nikisha just hangs around with Carly to make herself look better because she believes that Carly isn’t a threat to her reputation. She is secretly jealous of Janay the film geek.

Carly: Bossy, spoilt and dumb. She is a follower who tries to be like Nikisha but she is not as mean as Nikisha. She’s isn’t as noticeable as Nikisha which means that people aren’t scared of her because they know that she is a girl with an obsession of popularity and Austin Mahone. Secretly, she’s very smart but she is playing dumb to please Nikisha so that she doesn’t get bullied.

Janay: A sweet, shy film geek who has a deep and irreversible passion for films. She likes filming people but not herself because she has an ambition of being a film director; she doesn’t like the spotlight. Janay is best friends with KayDee and she likes filming her when she reads or acts out storylines from her books. Secretly, she has stage fright.

KayDee: Quiet, smart and studious. She has an incredibly deep passion for books which often gets her confused with reality because she has so many quotes and storylines from books swimming around in her brain. Her best friend is Janay and they get along very well because she gives Shay ideas from books and her imagination for films. Secretly, she’s the school snitch and she knows the secrets of everyone in school but Carly blackmailed her so she reads books to keep her mind occupied.

 Funny habits:

Nikisha has a habit of applying makeup every 2 minutes and checking her reflection in a mirror; she is incredibly vain.

Carly has a habit of chewing gum and kissing posters of Austin Mahone.

KayDee has a habit of sticking pencils in her hair and talking fast.

Shay has a habit of filming people without asking for their permission.

Back Story:
Nikisha and Janay : Nikisha and Janay  used to be a part of a film club together and they used to be best friends. One day when they were acting out a scene whilst being filmed, Nikisha got jealous of

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