Friday 25 November 2011

My Media evaluation

        These are the task’s I have done so far:

. Photo shop-making my own magazine covers with Kanye west, and Justin Bieber.
. In Design-making 3 column layout, Double page spread, Lady Ga Ga- text wrap.
. Writing copy-Katy Perry 100 words! 200 words, Kim Kardahion 100 words! 200 words.
. Planning for video- script writing Bus stop & crazy taxi driver.

The skills that I developed over the week’s by doing my photo shop magazine cover with Kanye West & Justin Bieber are... How to mask an image using the magic wand and put the image on another background... Also I learnt how to put a Ruler on my magazine cover to make all the text aliened with each other so it looks like a real magazine. Also I learnt how to use the right text to blend in with the picture. The skill I learnt by doing the In Design- 3 column layout was how to set out the rectangular tool to make boxes so I could add text into them... also I learnt how to do a path way around the image so the text could not cover  Lady Ga Ga’s body .
The task that I enjoyed the most was the magazine cover where I made a cover of Justin Bieber because I think that it was fun to learn how to mask a image well using the magic wond and you could play with it and put it in different places also i think it was a bit hard but for me learning new things is always fun and I learnt how to put different things in the background so it looked like a real magazine.
The skill that i am best at is masking because I can do it really well now and i can mask different types of pictures not only celebrities but different things like... tops , shoes, background and much more and i think this could help me if I was to be a magazine cover make.
The skill I need to get better at is doing the 3 column layout. I think I can get better at doing this by making the text flow into the 3 boxes and finding out where the tools are without asking .

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