Friday 25 November 2011

My Media evaluation

        These are the task’s I have done so far:

. Photo shop-making my own magazine covers with Kanye west, and Justin Bieber.
. In Design-making 3 column layout, Double page spread, Lady Ga Ga- text wrap.
. Writing copy-Katy Perry 100 words! 200 words, Kim Kardahion 100 words! 200 words.
. Planning for video- script writing Bus stop & crazy taxi driver.

The skills that I developed over the week’s by doing my photo shop magazine cover with Kanye West & Justin Bieber are... How to mask an image using the magic wand and put the image on another background... Also I learnt how to put a Ruler on my magazine cover to make all the text aliened with each other so it looks like a real magazine. Also I learnt how to use the right text to blend in with the picture. The skill I learnt by doing the In Design- 3 column layout was how to set out the rectangular tool to make boxes so I could add text into them... also I learnt how to do a path way around the image so the text could not cover  Lady Ga Ga’s body .
The task that I enjoyed the most was the magazine cover where I made a cover of Justin Bieber because I think that it was fun to learn how to mask a image well using the magic wond and you could play with it and put it in different places also i think it was a bit hard but for me learning new things is always fun and I learnt how to put different things in the background so it looked like a real magazine.
The skill that i am best at is masking because I can do it really well now and i can mask different types of pictures not only celebrities but different things like... tops , shoes, background and much more and i think this could help me if I was to be a magazine cover make.
The skill I need to get better at is doing the 3 column layout. I think I can get better at doing this by making the text flow into the 3 boxes and finding out where the tools are without asking .

Thursday 24 November 2011

My storyboard

In my work i have made a storyboard.... to make this i had to write a script about two girls and one of there bf's then we had to draw different parts of the story

Monday 14 November 2011


TORUS sits at the bus top. SHEY sits down next to her looking a bit worry
SHAY what’s wrong?
          Nothing just a bit worried
          Worried about what??
              SHAY: about chase and you
(With a sad face) about
Why you worried about me and chase..?
          Well.. I don’t want to get in your business but...
          But what?
SHAY didn’t what to tell TORI that CHASE was cheating on her because she thought that TORI wasn’t gunna believe her.. in the past SHEY tried to tell TORI thing like this but she always thought that she was just trying to get in between her and her boyfriend.
Well you no CHASE I think he’s cheating on you with NICKI.

(ANGRY) SHAY you always tell me these things and they are always wrong y cant you stop thinking and stay out of my business.
          (SAD FACE) But I’m only trying to look out for you.
Well stop trying because you always try to look out for me and I end up braking up with my boyfriend’s for no reason.
Well if I should stop trying to look out for you I shod stop being your friend (she walks away)

What TORI didn’t know was that SHAY was not lying... that afternoon TORI got a text from CHASE that was not for her it was sent by mistake... TORI new that is was for someone els and that SHAY was not lying this time.